Time Required
30 - 45 minutes
- Slider
- 4 steps
- Outer Case
- 7 steps
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What you need
Step 1
- Locate the 2 screws on the bottom of the slider.
- Remove both screws with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Locate the 2 screws on the bottom of the slider.
Remove both screws with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Step 2
- Gently pull on the bottom of the slider until it comes off the lower track.
- There is a little piece that connects the slider to the track. Be sure not to lose this as it is needed to put the slider back on.
Gently pull on the bottom of the slider until it comes off the lower track.
There is a little piece that connects the slider to the track. Be sure not to lose this as it is needed to put the slider back on.
Step 3
- Lift the slider up until it comes off the upper track.
Lift the slider up until it comes off the upper track.
Step 4
- The slider should now be free from the body of the camera.
The slider should now be free from the body of the camera.
Step 5
Outer Case
- Locate the 3 screws on the outer metal band and remove them with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Locate the 3 screws on the outer metal band and remove them with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Step 6
- Use the spudger to peel off the outer metal band, starting from the bottom of the camera.
- The metal band it attached to the camera with glue in addition to screws. Be careful not to bend the band when removing it from the camera.
Use the spudger to peel off the outer metal band, starting from the bottom of the camera.
The metal band it attached to the camera with glue in addition to screws. Be careful not to bend the band when removing it from the camera.
Step 7
- The shutter button can now be removed. It is not connected to the camera and can be lifted off.
The shutter button can now be removed. It is not connected to the camera and can be lifted off.
Step 8
- Remove the memory card.
- Locate and remove the 2 screws using a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Remove the memory card.
Locate and remove the 2 screws using a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Step 9
- Use a spudger around the edge of the case to loosen it.
- Carefully wiggle the back case off. This may require a fair amount of force.
Use a spudger around the edge of the case to loosen it.
Carefully wiggle the back case off. This may require a fair amount of force.
Step 10
- Locate the 3 internal screws holding on the front of the case. Remove them with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Locate the 3 internal screws holding on the front of the case. Remove them with a #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Step 11
- While grasping the interior and the front case, gently pull until they start to come apart. Some light wiggling may be required.
- Be careful not to completely pull the front case off because it will still be connected with wires.
While grasping the interior and the front case, gently pull until they start to come apart. Some light wiggling may be required.
Be careful not to completely pull the front case off because it will still be connected with wires.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Cal Poly, Team 6-13, Maness Spring 2010
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