Time Required
30 minutes
- Front Case
- 5 steps
- Back Case
- 8 steps
BackOlympus Tough TG-3
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Step 1
Front Case
- Locate the strap eyelet side of the camera and use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the two 5.3mm screws that hold the strap.
Locate the strap eyelet side of the camera and use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the two 5.3mm screws that hold the strap.
Step 2
- Locate the side of the camera containing the HDMI port. Use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the 5.4mm screw located on the lower left side below the port.
Locate the side of the camera containing the HDMI port. Use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the 5.4mm screw located on the lower left side below the port.
Step 3
- Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 3.8mm screw located inside the HDMI port.
Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 3.8mm screw located inside the HDMI port.
Step 4
- Locate the bottom section of the camera. Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the two 4mm screws located towards the middle (near the battery compartment).
Locate the bottom section of the camera. Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the two 4mm screws located towards the middle (near the battery compartment).
Step 5
- Now you should be able to remove the front case easily using your hand.
Now you should be able to remove the front case easily using your hand.
Step 6
Back Case
- Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the two 4mm screws located on the left side of the camera, under the strap holder.
Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the two 4mm screws located on the left side of the camera, under the strap holder.
Step 7
- Use a PH000 screwdriver to remove the 3 mm screw located on the bottom of the battery compartment.
Use a PH000 screwdriver to remove the 3 mm screw located on the bottom of the battery compartment.
Step 8
- Hold the device as shown in the picture. Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 9mm screw located on the upper left side of the camera.
Hold the device as shown in the picture. Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 9mm screw located on the upper left side of the camera.
Step 9
- Use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the 7mm screw you’ll find toward the lower left side of the camera.
Use the PH000 screwdriver to remove the 7mm screw you’ll find toward the lower left side of the camera.
Step 10
- Use a PH000 screwdriver to remove the 6mm screw on the upper right side of the camera, above the flash.
Use a PH000 screwdriver to remove the 6mm screw on the upper right side of the camera, above the flash.
Step 11
- Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 1.2 mm located on the lower right side of the device, towards the corner.
Using the PH000 screwdriver, remove the 1.2 mm located on the lower right side of the device, towards the corner.
Step 12
- Use the PH0000 screwdriver to remove the 7 mm located on the upper side of the camera, where the shutter and zoom bottoms are. You will find the screw towards the middle of this section.
Use the PH0000 screwdriver to remove the 7 mm located on the upper side of the camera, where the shutter and zoom bottoms are. You will find the screw towards the middle of this section.
Step 13
- Remove the back case using your hand.
Remove the back case using your hand.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Natalia Morales
Member since: 10/11/2016
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USF Tampa, Team 1-6, Leahy Fall 2016
Member of USF Tampa, Team 1-6, Leahy Fall 2016
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10 Guides authored
vincent vidal - Nov 11, 2017
Bravo super tutorial, but how to ensure the sealing after disassembly and reassembly?
Dawis rocker - Jan 18, 2018
I have a problem recovering the original condition. Is it possible Someone help me to restore it. Olympus TG-3 contact back. Witrocker@hotmail.com