Time Required
10 minutes
- Cable Hub
- 3 steps
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What you need
Step 1
Cable Hub
- Using the plastic opening tools, pry open the cable hub.
Using the plastic opening tools, pry open the cable hub.
Step 2
- Carefully pry the cable away from the cable hub motherboard. It is attached with hot glue and should be removed easily.
- Note that the cable is soldered on to the board. When prying the cable away from the hot glue, pull gently so as not to damage the soldered wire.
Carefully pry the cable away from the cable hub motherboard. It is attached with hot glue and should be removed easily.
Note that the cable is soldered on to the board. When prying the cable away from the hot glue, pull gently so as not to damage the soldered wire.
Step 3
- Desolder the wires as illustrated. This can be done by heating up the solder connecting the board and the wire. When the solder is liquified, pull the wire away from the board.
- Need some help? Follow this guide to learn soldering basics.
Desolder the wires as illustrated. This can be done by heating up the solder connecting the board and the wire. When the solder is liquified, pull the wire away from the board.
Need some help? Follow this guide to learn soldering basics.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Alexandra Zaragoza
Member since: 01/22/2015
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Cal Poly, Team 18-5, Maness Winter 2015
Member of Cal Poly, Team 18-5, Maness Winter 2015
4 Members
6 Guides authored
Hipolito Rodriguez - Feb 17, 2016
Buena guia, faltaria poder ver donde va soldado cada cable, he llevado mi cable a reparar y me lo han devuelto peor de lo que estaba, veo que han usado un cable de 4 hilos mas masa pero el original es de 5 hilos mas masa.
podria decirme donde van soldados los cables por la parte que va de la caja al usb ? ( el tramo corto )
Lea ndro - Jul 28, 2017
Hipolito, pudíste arreglar el problema?
Yo tengo un DK2 que compré usado y vino sin la caja conectora del sensor. Hay forma de fabricar alguna? Reemeplazarla por alguna otra cosa?
Desde ya gracias.
Hipolito Rodriguez - Jul 30, 2017
Puedes conectar directamente el cable del sensor a las gafas, levantas la Tapita de goma que tiene y ahí lo conectas, con un alargador funciona correctamente también
Ashley - Jan 19, 2019
My wires has a short in them where can i purchase a new one?