Time Required
10 minutes
- Battery
- 10 steps
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What you need
Step 1
- Pull the SIM card holder out of the top of the phone using your fingernail.
Pull the SIM card holder out of the top of the phone using your fingernail.
Step 2
- Place tweezers or an opening tool in the SIM card slot and push upwards until the back panel pops out.
Place tweezers or an opening tool in the SIM card slot and push upwards until the back panel pops out.
Step 3
- Wedge a plastic opening tool between the two panels. Slide it along each side of the phone to completely remove the back panel.
Wedge a plastic opening tool between the two panels. Slide it along each side of the phone to completely remove the back panel.
Step 4
- Remove the 4mm Torx #4 screw that’s securing the battery connector.
Remove the 4mm Torx #4 screw that’s securing the battery connector.
Step 5
- Use tweezers to remove the battery connector strap.
Use tweezers to remove the battery connector strap.
Step 6
- Remove all ten 4mm Torx #4 screws that secure the battery cover to the frame of the phone.
Remove all ten 4mm Torx #4 screws that secure the battery cover to the frame of the phone.
Step 7
- Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the battery cover from the phone’s frame.
Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the battery cover from the phone’s frame.
Step 8
- Pull up on the heat spreader.
- Be careful not to tear it!
Pull up on the heat spreader.
Be careful not to tear it!
Step 9
- Use the flat end of the spudger to lift up the battery.
- The battery is glued in place. Pry up carefully, not to damage it.
- Two flex cables are directly underneath the battery.
Use the flat end of the spudger to lift up the battery.
The battery is glued in place. Pry up carefully, not to damage it.
Two flex cables are directly underneath the battery.
Step 10
- Remove the battery from the phone.
Remove the battery from the phone.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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