Student-Contributed Wiki

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No matter what you do, you can’t get your device to charge.

Before delving into the guts of your Power Panel, the Nokero P102 comes with five charging adapters. Make sure the adapter fits your device properly.

If your device won’t charge make sure sunlight is not being filtered by clouds or a window. The Power Panel needs direct sunlight to charge your device.

Dirt and dust can obstruct sunlight. Make sure the solar panel is clean.

If your solar panel is cracked or scratched, you will want to replace it.

If the device won’t charge, an unlikely cause is a faulty USB port. To fix this you will need to open the device to check that nothing is disconnected. You may need to replace the USB port.

After bathing in direct sunlight, the panel won’t provide sufficient charge.

If the panel won’t transfer charge, see the troubleshooting guide for “Device won’t charge”. If the problem persists, you may have a capacitor that simply doesn’t work. To fix this you will need to open the device to check that nothing is disconnected. You may need to replace the capacitor.

Your LED is not illuminated, even though your device is charging.

The LED only lights up when exposed to ample amounts of sunlight. The device is designed to store power so that it can charge your device anywhere. If the LED still does not light up in direct sunlight then you will need to replace the light.