Stats generated at 11:30 MST on 10/23/2022 (133643 minutes ago). Updates every 10 min.

NT Cash owed

Our team pays its racers 500,000 NT Cash for every 100 races, even during comps! The following table shows recent racers who are owed and will be paid when the next payments are sent out. If you’re saving your money you can skip to the savings section.

The following racers have opted out of the 500K every 100 races: ComputerHope.

Saving for NT Gold or NT Gold renewal

If you’re more interested in getting an NT Gold or renewing an existing NT Gold instead of NT Cash for your races, you can opt to save your NT Cash earned. Once you’ve saved 30M, an NT Gold or NT Gold renewal will be purchased for your IBM account.

In danger of being kicked

The following IBM team racers are in danger of being kicked because they’re close to not meeting the 30 races on join, not doing 50 weekly races, sandbagging, or botting. Racers that have contributed team races are given +20 R-Bonus (race bonus) points for every team race and +20 for every joined bonus point.

New IBM racers

Welcome to the following 7 new racers.

What are IBM team requirements?

When joining IBM, you agree to do at least 30 races on join. Failing to do 30 races on join results in an immediate kick. After doing 30 races on join, you can do any number of races until it’s been a week.

Once you’ve been with the team for a week, you must meet the 6,000 weekly point requirement, which is 50 races a week. Having a weekly requirement allows people to have days off.

How are officers handled?

The officer spots are for the top racers. Get more team races than the lowest officer’s race count if you want an officer spot.

Can I have NT Cash or NT Gold?

Race, and you’ll be rewarded.

When do you send out NT Cash for races?

I try to log in every day to reward everyone for every 100 races. If you happen to be on when I send out payments, you may not receive it until you log out and back into Nitro Type.

Should I let you know when I’ve done 100 races?

No, the NT Cash owed section shows who’s owed, and those listed in this section are paid when the payments are sent out.

How much do I have to do for NT Gold?

NT Golds can be won during competitions with NT Golds as prizes. NT Gold can also be saved, as mentioned in the NT Cash owed section.

How is kicking handled?

You must meet the required 50 weekly races (6,000 season points) requirements shown in the In danger of being kicked section. You’re kicked with no exceptions if you don’t meet those requirements.

What if I’m in danger of being kicked?

Race more and meet the weekly requirement.

What if I need a break or other time off?

If you race enough before your break, you’ll be able to stay on the team for up to seven days. For example, if you did 50 races to meet the weekly requirement, you will not be kicked for seven days. You can also view the kick predictions in the In danger of being kicked section to get an idea of how many days you have left.

Will you hold a spot open for me?


If I leave or get kicked, can I come back?

Yes. However, when kicked, there’s a 14-day wait added by Nitro Type until you can rejoin.

Can you kick someone so I can join?

No. Stay in Discord since it’s announced when spots become available.

What is a Top 10 Earner?

Racers with a Top 10 Earner badge () next to their names have earned the most money out of all currently active IBM racers. To help balance the earnings, some competitions may give non-Top 10 earners some advantages. Below are the current Top 10 earners for the last 15 competitions of the overall rewarded 4,390,209,998 total.

We’re against sandbagging, botting, and other forms of cheating as it ruins the game for everyone (even the cheaters). Those caught cheating and are banned or warned by Nitro Type will no longer be allowed on IBM. Those caught sandbagging during a competition will be kicked.

I think someone is cheating on IBM.

DM ComputerHope on our Discord channel.

Can you send my rewards to someone else?

No. Any NT Cash or Gold earned goes to the player who earned it, with no exceptions.

These earnings do not include the earnings made from the 500k earned from every 100 races. Also, anyone who has left our team is not shown.

Why is IBM enrollment Closed?

During big competitions like our 300M competition, we close enrollment to allow only those part of the team to participate. After the competition is over, the team is re-opened to all.

What is IBM?

When deciding on a name, I wanted something short and related to computers. IBM is the shortest computer-related word I could come up with that was available. IBM is named after the IBM computer company.

  • Nitro Type help and support.
  • How can I improve my typing?
  • Information about computer keyboards.
  • Full list of keyboard terms.
  • Keyboard help and support.
  • Discord channel