Time Required
5 minutes
- Battery
- 3 steps
- Back Cover
- 2 steps
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What you need
Step 1
- Use a standard Phillips #00 screwdriver to loosen the 4 mm screw that keeps the battery cover attached to the device.
Use a standard Phillips #00 screwdriver to loosen the 4 mm screw that keeps the battery cover attached to the device.
Step 2
- Lift the battery cover up and remove it from the device.
- The screw will remain attached to the battery cover because of Nintendo’s design.
Lift the battery cover up and remove it from the device.
The screw will remain attached to the battery cover because of Nintendo’s design.
Step 3
- Use your fingers or a plastic opening tool to remove the battery from the device.
- Caution: Please exercise caution when handling the battery. If it appears to be swelling or damaged at all it is considered a fire hazard.
Use your fingers or a plastic opening tool to remove the battery from the device.
Caution: Please exercise caution when handling the battery. If it appears to be swelling or damaged at all it is considered a fire hazard.
Step 4
Back Cover
- Remove four 6.5 mm screws from the corners of the back cover using a tri-point Y00 screwdriver.
- Remove two 4.6mm screws from the top-center and bottom-center of the device using a tri-point Y00 screwdriver.
Remove four 6.5 mm screws from the corners of the back cover using a tri-point Y00 screwdriver.
Remove two 4.6mm screws from the top-center and bottom-center of the device using a tri-point Y00 screwdriver.
Step 5
- Lift the back cover off of the device.
- Potential for device damage: These inner components are vulnerable to static electricity. Exercise caution when handling these next steps to prevent damaging the device.
- Look out for the power switch that can fall out when taking the back cover off.
Lift the back cover off of the device.
Potential for device damage: These inner components are vulnerable to static electricity. Exercise caution when handling these next steps to prevent damaging the device.
Look out for the power switch that can fall out when taking the back cover off.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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Cal Poly, Team 17-22, Forte Winter 2013
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