The power light is on but the television screen is black, flashing or does not look right when turned on

Most Nintendo 64 problems can be solved by cleaning the game cartridge or by cleaning the cartridge slot. If neither of these solutions work, you will need to inspect the pins that connect the cartridge slot to the motherboard to see if there are any broken connections.

The Nintendo 64 won’t boot all the way without a Jumper or RAM pack properly installed. Open the little cover on top of the console, pull the expansion pack out a bit (first two steps) and then pop it back in.

If cleaning the system does not fix the problem there may be an issue with the RF or AV cable hookup to your television. Verify that the cables are hooked up properly. Also verify your television’s compatibility with the type of cables you are using. If this yields no answers, swap the cables with another working set of cables to see if this fixes the problem.

If the problem persists, there may be a circuit problem located on the motherboard. To fix these, you will need to repair the audio video port.

The red LED Nintendo 64 light on the front of the console does not light up when the console is powered on

Fortunately, the LED light should not affect the functionality of the system, so if it is broken the console is still functional. However, if you care about the cosmetics of your system, you should simply replace the bulb.

Turning the power on yields no results

A bad power cord could be the cause of your Nintendo 64 not turning on. Verify it is hooked up properly, then swap the cord with another working power cord to see if it fixes the problem.

There may be circuit connections that are misaligned or completely detached. To fix this, you will need to repair the power connections.

If your console does not respond in any way when the power is switched on it may need a new motherboard. Most of the unit’s parts are attached to the motherboard, so replacing should provide a good all around fix.

The controller is either unresponsive or half-responsive

The problem with the controller may be caused by one or more non-working buttons. You may need to open the controller and clean the affected button.

If this does not solve the problem, you will need to check the contact points between the controller and the motherboard and replace them if necessary.

If none of the above remedies the problem with your Nintendo 64 your best bet is to post a question in our Answers forum. If worst comes to worst, the controller can be found for a very reasonable price online, and your old controller can be saved for spare parts, or responsibly recycled.