
No matter what you do you can’t get your camera to read memory card.

*Remove Memory Card and Reinsert.

  • Many times if the memory card isn’t being read the easiest and most effective solution is removing the card completely and reinserting while the camera is turned off.

*Turn camera Off then Back On.

  • Turning the camera off and back on can sometimes reset the device resulting in a solution to the problem.

*Dead/Drained Battery.

  • If your camera won’t read the memory card especially if it hasn’t been used frequently / recently, try charging or replacing the battery. Sometimes if the battery doesn’t have enough life left it won’t read the memory card.

*Insert card into another camera or device.

  • An easy way to tell if the problem is dealing with your camera or your card is to insert the card into another camera or reader capable of reading the memory card. This way you will be able to tell if the issue is within the camera or a faulty memory card.

*Check for broken or bent pins.

  • Memory cards often become faulty from broken or bent pins, if you see a bent pin bend it back carefully to it’s original position.

Your battery won’t hold a charge or drains quickly.

*Remove and replace battery.

  • Eject the battery from the camera and wait a few minutes before reinserting battery. The battery will sometimes drain quickly or not hold a charge if it wasn’t inserted correctly.

*Turn the Camera off and back on.

  • Turning the camera off and on can reset the system and may solve the problem.

*Make sure the battery and charger are both in good working condition.

  • Try using a new battery to see if the battery your currently using is faulty, or use a different battery charger to tell if your battery is being properly charged to its full potential.

*Check for loose wires and connections.

  • If none of the above solutions work you might have a hardware problem which could be a loose wire or connection internally. Follow the step by step instructions on dis-assembly provided.

The main Lcd screen won’t turn on and display anything.

*Make sure the camera is turned on and in working condition

  • The first and easiest thing you can do is to be sure the camera is turned on and the batteries are charged, if the batteries are low sometimes the LCD display will not turn on to save battery life.

  • Turning the camera off and then back on will sometimes reset the device and result in the LCD to turn on and work properly.

*Turn off the device and completely remove the battery and reinsert

  • Removing the battery completely and waiting for 10 to 15 seconds before reinserting battery and turning back on will also reset the device which may result in the LCD to work properly.

*Check for loose or broken wires and pins.

  • After normal wear and use of the camera sometimes wires and pins will become loose causing a bad connection which can result in the LCD screen to not turn on.