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  • LCD Screen
  • 7 steps



  • BackNike+ SportWatch GPS

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What you need

Step 1

              LCD Screen               
  • First, place the watch upside down so the back of the watch is exposed. Unscrew the six size #000 5 mm long screws located on the back panel using a size 000 Phillips head screwdriver.

First, place the watch upside down so the back of the watch is exposed. Unscrew the six size #000 5 mm long screws located on the back panel using a size 000 Phillips head screwdriver.


Step 2

  • Carefully separate the watch by pulling the band away from the main board.

Carefully separate the watch by pulling the band away from the main board.

Step 3

  • Then, unscrew the two main board size #000 2.5 mm long screws using a size 000 Phillips head screwdriver.

Then, unscrew the two main board size #000 2.5 mm long screws using a size 000 Phillips head screwdriver.

Step 4

  • Carefully use the blue plastic opening tool to pry the main board out of the front panel.
  • Make sure to be gentle so the ribbon cable that connects to the band does not break, it is fragile and is not removable.

Carefully use the blue plastic opening tool to pry the main board out of the front panel.

Make sure to be gentle so the ribbon cable that connects to the band does not break, it is fragile and is not removable.

Step 5

  • Use the blue plastic removal tool once again to carefully remove the screen.

Use the blue plastic removal tool once again to carefully remove the screen.

Step 6

  • Pull the plastic piece that is highlighted in the picture out from the back of the screen.

Pull the plastic piece that is highlighted in the picture out from the back of the screen.

Step 7

  • For reassembly, make sure the highlighted area in the picture, goes over the black plastic piece that was removed in the previous step.

For reassembly, make sure the highlighted area in the picture, goes over the black plastic piece that was removed in the previous step.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                                                                                      2 other people completed this guide.                                             


                                      with 3 other contributors 

                    Zainab Hussein                     

Member since: 10/27/2015

207 Reputation

                                      1 Guide authored                  


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                       UMass Dartmouth, Team 5-8, Gulbrandsen Fall 2015                        

                                                  Member of UMass Dartmouth, Team 5-8, Gulbrandsen Fall 2015 


                                            3 Members                     

                                            5 Guides authored                     

Joseph Kermani - Apr 11, 2016


Hello, I found your article very interesting, I was just wondering do you know where I can buy a replacement screen?

Thank you

SMOUN - Nov 21, 2016


hello do you know where I can find a replacement screen ?

Joshua Pantarotto - May 12, 2017


I googled the part number on the screen
