Student-Contributed Wiki
An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.
My Nest thermostat will not respond to any inputs and the screen does not light up.
Ensure that the device has been installed correctly. Remove the thermostat from the wall and inspect the circuit board to see if the wires connect to the correct pin connections as shown here.
The power is out in my home and my thermostat will not power on. If the thermostat does not power on while power is out in your home, a faulty battery may be to blame. Learn how to replace the battery with this guide.
You cannot navigate the thermostat using the outer dial.
If the outer dial has trouble spinning or can not spin at all, the bracket screws may not be installed correctly. Follow this guide to remove the thermostat and adjusting the brackets.
The screen will not show anything or respond when touched, even though the device is powered.
If the screen appears discolored or has broken glass with cracks showing, it is likely that the screen is faulty and needs to be replaced. Learn how to replace the screen here.
The device is powered and the outer ring spins fine, but all user inputs fail to get a response from the device.
If you are unable to change a setting or interact with the thermostat, despite the device being powered, the wiring on the circuit board may be set up incorrectly. See how to wire the device correctly here.
If the device is fully powered, has functioning controls, and correct wiring, it may be possible that the device’s circuit board is to blame. You will need to replace the circuit board in order to repair the device, which you can learn how to do here.
If device still won’t turn on it might the pin connector, remove nest from wall and check to see if pins are straight and not corroded. If damaged it may need to be replaced.
My thermostat is unable to connect with my wireless router.
If the device is unable to locate your home internet, make sure to check to see if your router is working.
If your internet connection is working, but the device is unable to locate your home internet, the motherboard of the device may be at fault. You can learn how to replace the motherboard of the device here.