You have tried everything, and the phone still won’t turn on.
If the phone is still unresponsive read on.
Plug the phone into its respective charger and hold the “End/Call” button. If the phone responds, the phone needs to be charged.
Bad batteries can be a result of many different things. If the battery is bad, it needs to be replaced. To replace the battery see the Battery Replacement Repair Guide.
If both the front and inside display are broken the phone may be turning on, but it will be difficult to tell. If this is the case, the displays may need to be replaced.
If all previous steps were unsuccessful, the logic board on the phone may be broken. If this is the case the logic board may need to be replaced. To replace the logic board, see the Logic Board Replacement Repair Guide.
If one or more buttons are unresponsive, read on.
If this is the case follow the Button Board Replacement Repair Guide.
If none of the buttons work, the logic board may need to be replaced. See Logic Board Replacement Repair Guide.
When you receive a call, you are unable to hear the caller or vice versa.
Press the green Send/Call call button to see if you accidentally put the caller on call waiting. If this is not the case read on.
The speaker or microphone may need to be replaced.
If the speaker or microphone is still unresponsive after replacement, the logic board may need to be replaced. See Logic Board Replacement Repair Guide.
When you plug in headphones to the headphone jack, they produce unclear/no sound.
If the headphone jack is broken, the logic board needs to be replaced. See Logic Board Replacement Repair guide.