Time Required
5 - 10 minutes
- Battery
- 3 steps
- Bluetooth Module
- 9 steps
- Speaker Modules
- 4 steps
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What you need
Step 1
- Turn the device so the screen is facing down.
Turn the device so the screen is facing down.
Step 2
- Slide the battery lock switch next to the power slider to the unlocked position.
Slide the battery lock switch next to the power slider to the unlocked position.
Step 3
- Slide and hold the switch by the fan vent to the unlocked position. Firmly grasp the battery and pull away from tablet.
- When replacing the battery, place the end near the fan vent in first. Make sure to keep the other switch in the unlocked position while pushing the battery into place.
Slide and hold the switch by the fan vent to the unlocked position. Firmly grasp the battery and pull away from tablet.
When replacing the battery, place the end near the fan vent in first. Make sure to keep the other switch in the unlocked position while pushing the battery into place.
Step 4
Bluetooth Module
- Unscrew hard drive panel using a Phillips head #1 screwdriver.
- (Our device was not given to us with a hard drive or a hard drive panel)
Unscrew hard drive panel using a Phillips head #1 screwdriver.
(Our device was not given to us with a hard drive or a hard drive panel)
Step 5
- Pull clear plastic tab to detach hard drive from tablet.
Pull clear plastic tab to detach hard drive from tablet.
Step 6
- To disconnect the three white ribbon cables on the side closest to the hard drive connector, pull the white plastic tabs.
To disconnect the three white ribbon cables on the side closest to the hard drive connector, pull the white plastic tabs.
Step 7
- Pull the brown tabs to disconnect the white ribbon cable on the other side.
Pull the brown tabs to disconnect the white ribbon cable on the other side.
Step 8
- Caution: do not pull on the wires, instead pull from the plastic connectors.
- To disconnect the remaining ribbon cables, pull the plastic connectors away from their connections.
Caution: do not pull on the wires, instead pull from the plastic connectors.
To disconnect the remaining ribbon cables, pull the plastic connectors away from their connections.
Step 9
- With a Phillips #1 screwdriver, Unscrew the nine 10mm screws holding the case together.
With a Phillips #1 screwdriver, Unscrew the nine 10mm screws holding the case together.
Step 10
- Using a spudger, press in the five tabs on the side where the battery was.
- This should separate the two halves of the device. Carefully set the side with the display off to the side.
Using a spudger, press in the five tabs on the side where the battery was.
This should separate the two halves of the device. Carefully set the side with the display off to the side.
Step 11
- Locate the Bluetooth board.
- Disconnect the ribbon cable by pulling on the plastic connector.
Locate the Bluetooth board.
Disconnect the ribbon cable by pulling on the plastic connector.
Step 12
- Unscrew the 4mm screw holding the board onto the tablet.
- Lift the board out of the tablet and carefully set it aside.
Unscrew the 4mm screw holding the board onto the tablet.
Lift the board out of the tablet and carefully set it aside.
Step 13
Speaker Modules
- Locate speaker connectors on tablet and unplug them by pulling on the plastic heads.
Locate speaker connectors on tablet and unplug them by pulling on the plastic heads.
Step 14
- To remove the speaker near the network port, unscrew the two black 4mm screws securing it to the tablet and pull away.
To remove the speaker near the network port, unscrew the two black 4mm screws securing it to the tablet and pull away.
Step 15
- To remove the speaker near the headphone jack, unscrew the one 4mm black screw securing it to the tablet.
To remove the speaker near the headphone jack, unscrew the one 4mm black screw securing it to the tablet.
Step 16
- Unstick the white masking tape and the black electrical tape holding the black and red wire down.
- Pull out the wire and speaker.
Unstick the white masking tape and the black electrical tape holding the black and red wire down.
Pull out the wire and speaker.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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David Troy
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Cal Poly, Team 15-14, Forte Spring 2012
Member of Cal Poly, Team 15-14, Forte Spring 2012
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