Student-Contributed Wiki

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When you pull the trigger it will not move.

Make sure the drill is set to turn clockwise or counterclockwise before anything else. In order to check this, see if the black button near where your thumb would rest when holding the drill is pushed in on either side. If the button is protruding from both sides of the drill the trigger will not move.

In order to get to the trigger mechanism you will need to remove the screws from the body of the drill. Remove the battery if it is attached and carefully remove the casing of the drill to expose the inside mechanics. Check the switch that changes the direction of the drill to see if there are any obstructions or if any parts are out of place. Then check the trigger to see if there are any obstructions behind it. Once you have ensured there are no foreign objects, put the casing back on the drill and replace the screws. See this guide for disassembling the drill to help with this process.

The battery is attached and when you pull the trigger no power is generated

If the trigger is pulled and the drill does not move the battery might need to be charged. Place the battery on the charger for at least an hour and test the drill again to see if it has power.

If the battery has been charged there is a chance that the battery could be faulty. Try another battery that has been charged before doing anything else. If you try another battery and still have no power you could have a faulty circuit board. In order to change this you will need to remove the screws from the casing and remove the casing from the drill to see the circuit board inside. Replace the circuit board with a working replacement board and reassemble the drill. See this guide for replacing the circuit board to help with this process.

When the drill is in operation the bit is coming loose from the chuck

In order to tighten the chuck around the bit you will need to tighten the keyless chuck. This can be done by twisting the black area behind the chuck by hand in a clockwise motion if you were looking at the drill from the front. The chuck should only need to be as tight as you can tighten it with your hand comfortably to keep the drill bit in place.

In order to remove the keyless chuck you will first need to loosen the chuck as far back as it can go. Then remove the screw from inside the chuck head. Once this is done you will need to place your drill into the lowest speed and the highest clutch. Then insert an Allen wrench into the chuck and tighten the chuck around the Allen wrench. With force move the Allen wrench in a counterclockwise motion and screw off the chuck. To replace the chuck do these steps in reverse order by screwing on the chuck tightly and replacing the screw initially taken out. See this guide for replacing the chuck for a more detailed instruction.

The drill will turn but will lose the necessary torque to continue to drill anything

The drill has a clutch adjustment that can be changed. The adjustment can be made by twisting the dial on the front of the drill. Increase the clutch to increase the torque generated by the drill. If the drill is still having slipping problems then the entire gearbox might need to be replaced.

To reach the gearbox to replace it you will need to remove the screws from the drill casing. Once the screws are removed you will need to take the casing off of the drill. This will reveal the inner parts of the drill. You will need to identify the gearbox and remove it from the drill. Then, take a replacement gearbox and insert it into the drill. Reassemble the case and test the drill. See this guide for replacing the gearbox to help with this process.

The motor loses speed or stops working when in operation.

The drill battery could be losing its charge. Charge the battery and test the drill to see if it is still having speed problems. If it is still having speed problems there could be a problem inside the drill

This could be a problem with the motor itself. If the drill is not a brushless drill the brushes could need to be replaced. In order to do this the casing will need to be removed by taking out the screws from the case. After doing this you will need to find the brushes. Replace the brushes with replacement brushes and reassemble the drill to test. If the motor is brushless, the motor could need to be replaced. See this guide for replacing the motor to help with this process.