Midiman Oxygen 8 Keyobard Controller, Version 1

Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Computers, amps and other external devices do not recognize outputs from the keyboard.

Make sure that the wires and plugs are in good condition. If the cables are frayed or the plugs are damaged at the ends, replace the cables.

The keyboard requires a specific program to operate properly with a PC. Should the software be out of date, go here to download up to date software. Once the page has opened you will see three sections labeled “Series”,” Product”,” OS”. Under “Series” click on “Legacy”, then under “Product” click on “Oxygen 8”, and lastly choose the type of operating system your computer runs on. This will allow you to download the software necessary for the keyboard’s proper operation.

Device does not respond to any inputs and the LED screen does not light.

Ensure the 9V DC power is plugged into a working electrical socket. If it is, but there are still no signs of power such as the LCD screen turning on, function any of the switches. Test the output of the AC-DC power pack with a voltmeter. If the output tests between 9.0-9.5 V DC, then it working. If it does not indicate voltage, or the voltage is above or below the indicated range, the power adapter must be replaced. It should only be replaced with a 9V DC 500mA <->120V AC 60 Hz adapter.

Check ports on back of keyboard. If the port you are using is damaged, replace it using the provided guide located here.

Check if adapter power or batteries corrects the issue, if it does, USB is the issue. Ensure all USB plugs are inserted properly and that all cables are less than 5 meters long for USB 2.0 and 3 meters long for USB 1.0 or if you are unsure of the type. If still no power, try utilizing a different port on the computer and check the task bar for any error messages related to input devices.

Install new batteries and power on the device. If still no power, remove the batteries and visibly check the battery contact that is visible for corrosion. If there is corrosion, then both contacts are likely corroded and must be cleaned.

Keyboard response does not match or does not even recognize user inputs.

The potentiometer inside the switch may have gone bad or has a faulty connection.

The trim potentiometer inside the knob may have gone bad or has a faulty connection. This guide shows how to replace/repair the internal trim potentiometers.

If there is a stuck key, the cover disassembled, and the key assembly must be freed. A guide on how to disassemble the key assembly is located here.

If there is a loose key, the device must be disassembled, and the key reattached to the keyboard assembly. A guide is located here.

Keyboard may have damaged connection or toggles. A key repair guide is located here.

The LCD screen may be damaged and must be replaced, This guide shows how to replace the LCD screen.