Excel basics

  • What is Excel?
  • Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts.
  • Help, examples, and information on Excel formulas.

Excel tips

  • Auto sum shortcut key in Microsoft Excel.
  • Split Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • Define names and use them in Microsoft Excel.
  • Enter the same text into multiple Excel cells at once.
  • Quickly insert hyperlinks into Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • Print only sections of a page.
  • Move between sheets in a spreadsheet program.
  • Quickly copy above cell value to current cell in Excel.
  • Close all open files at once in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • Easy undo.
  • Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel using the auto filter.
  • Quickly open recent files in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • Repeat the last action in Microsoft Word and Excel.

Excel help and support

  • Microsoft Excel help and support.