



Time Required

                          20 - 25 minutes            



  • Case
  • 2 steps
  • Power Supply Unit (PSU)
  • 6 steps



  • BackMac Pro 2006-2008 (First Generation)

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What you need

Step 1

              Case Panel               
  • Lift the lever to unlock the case.

Lift the lever to unlock the case.


Step 2

  • Remove the side panel of the Mac Pro.
  • Discharge any static electricity by touching a grounded surface prior to working on any internal components.

Remove the side panel of the Mac Pro.

Discharge any static electricity by touching a grounded surface prior to working on any internal components.

Step 3

              Removing the Disk Drive               
  • The optical drive must be removed to access the power supply unit
  • Firmly grasp the handles of the shown compartment and pull out firmly to remove the optical drive bay.

The optical drive must be removed to access the power supply unit

Firmly grasp the handles of the shown compartment and pull out firmly to remove the optical drive bay.

Step 4

              Unplugging the Disk Drive               
  • Firmly hold each of the two connectors and pull them out of their respective sockets.

Firmly hold each of the two connectors and pull them out of their respective sockets.

Step 5

              Un-Mounting the Power Supply Unit               
  • Remove the 4 marked 6-32 hex screws with a 2mm Phillips hex screwdriver.
  • There are a number of Phillips head screws underneath. These don’t need to be removed to remove the power supply.
  • Note the different PSU for Mac Pro 1,1 through 3,1 versus Mac Pro 4,1 and 5,1.

Remove the 4 marked 6-32 hex screws with a 2mm Phillips hex screwdriver.

There are a number of Phillips head screws underneath. These don’t need to be removed to remove the power supply.

Note the different PSU for Mac Pro 1,1 through 3,1 versus Mac Pro 4,1 and 5,1.

Step 6

              Removing the Power Supply               
  • Be careful when pulling the power supply out, as it has several attached cables which don’t have much slack.
  • Grip the handle on the left side of the power supply casing while gripping the right side of the power supply casing and pull upwards firmly to to take it out.

Be careful when pulling the power supply out, as it has several attached cables which don’t have much slack.

Grip the handle on the left side of the power supply casing while gripping the right side of the power supply casing and pull upwards firmly to to take it out.

Step 7

              If power Supply only comes out a few Inches.               
  • For the Mac Pro (Early 2008/9), a.k.a. MacPro3,1 In the MacPro3,1, the power supply screws are 2.5mm hex, not T-10. Also, there is a cover plate behind the superdrive that has to be removed (2 phillips screws) to expose the power cable connections and those connectors must be detached and slid under fan before the power supply can be removed.

For the Mac Pro (Early 2008/9), a.k.a. MacPro3,1 In the MacPro3,1, the power supply screws are 2.5mm hex, not T-10. Also, there is a cover plate behind the superdrive that has to be removed (2 phillips screws) to expose the power cable connections and those connectors must be detached and slid under fan before the power supply can be removed.

Step 8

              Disconnecting the Power Supply               
  • Locate the four marked cables
  • Push down on the clip that is above each cable connector while firmly grasping each connector and pull each one back to remove each clip.

Locate the four marked cables

Push down on the clip that is above each cable connector while firmly grasping each connector and pull each one back to remove each clip.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                                      with 7 other contributors 

                    Eric Kuhta                     

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                       Cal Poly, Team 6-24, Maness Fall 2014                        

                                                  Member of Cal Poly, Team 6-24, Maness Fall 2014 


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Manish Kumar - Oct 5, 2016


15 min power on after off

Michel - Dec 22, 2016



Very difficult to find the exact size of the bit for the screwdriver. And it is very tight to unscrew one of the screws.

Maybe I had spoiled the head of the screw.

What is the solution?

Thank you in advance.


Tino - May 27, 2017


missing a very crucial step before step 6. if you don’t remove the cover (where cd rom is) and unplug the PSU cable, you’ll damage something.

for screws, 2.5mm didn’t work for me, but i used a 3/32 hex with ball end, and at an angle, it will loosen screws.

Hugo Walg - Jul 13, 2017


Doesn’t work for a micron. Step 6 is impossible. Can’t get the power supply out of its place more than a few centimeters. The side closest to the backplate of the casing can’t come up only some millimeters, while also the fixed!! power cord is a serious obstruction.

Moreover there are nowhere cover plates left, so this is not a comparable situation as described in step 7.

Hugo Walg - Jul 14, 2017


My last remark should be forgotten. The power cord has been connected to the Mac pro to give the impression that it’s mounted fixedly to the power supply. But if you pull with very much force (an attempt of despair), it then again appears to be a 3-hole connector like is the case for common computers. If you don’t know these systems, this is very treacherous.