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  • Lunii - My Story Factory v1 - Teardown
  • 4 steps



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  • BackLunii repair - My Story Factory v1

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Warning: this guide is only valid for Story Factories v1. For v2 (identifiable on the label of the box where it is written “Model 2”), the tools are different and the content of the story box too (even if the principle remains the same)

What you need

Step 1

              The right tools.               
  • STOP! Immediately drop that kitchen knife! Even if you’ve already opened tons of things with it, it’s still not a screwdriver!
  • As a super handyman parent, you do have a real screwdriver hidden at the bottom of a drawer, but until you find it, I’ll show you how it goes.
  • For this, I’m going to use a size 2 Phillips (or Phillips PH2) screwdriver. A 3.5 dish will do just fine, all this and being able to reach the screw without damaging the hull of our Lunii.

STOP! Immediately drop that kitchen knife! Even if you’ve already opened tons of things with it, it’s still not a screwdriver!

As a super handyman parent, you do have a real screwdriver hidden at the bottom of a drawer, but until you find it, I’ll show you how it goes.

For this, I’m going to use a size 2 Phillips (or Phillips PH2) screwdriver. A 3.5 dish will do just fine, all this and being able to reach the screw without damaging the hull of our Lunii.


Step 2

              4 screws, nothing more.               
  • Let’s go ! We firmly hold our Story Factory in one hand and with the other we unscrew the 4 screws that come our way.
  • Make sure that the 4 screws are fully unscrewed by tilting the Lunii, they will fall out by themselves.

Let’s go ! We firmly hold our Story Factory in one hand and with the other we unscrew the 4 screws that come our way.

Make sure that the 4 screws are fully unscrewed by tilting the Lunii, they will fall out by themselves.

Step 3

              Inhale, pull!               
  • Then straighten the Lunii and hold the two top edges each with a thumb.
  • By gently spreading your fingers you should be able to open it without any resistance.
  • Hooray we made it! And a small interesting detail, the adhesive under the Lunii acts as a hinge.

Then straighten the Lunii and hold the two top edges each with a thumb.

By gently spreading your fingers you should be able to open it without any resistance.

Hooray we made it! And a small interesting detail, the adhesive under the Lunii acts as a hinge.

Step 4

  • Next step: make an inventory of common failures and their solution!

Next step: make an inventory of common failures and their solution!

To reassemble your device, follow the instructions in reverse order.

Be careful not to overtighten the screws, you risk breaking their plastic support!

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                                                                                      9 other people completed this guide.                                             

        Mr. Stamps is helping us fix the world!      Want to contribute?      Start translating › 

Special thanks to these translators:


Mr. Stamps


                                      with 2 other contributors 

                    Martial B                     

Member since: 09/08/2012

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                                      1 Guide authored                  


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jacobi - Aug 26, 2021


Peut etre mais sur sur la “mienne” ce n’est pas un embout PH2 qu’il faut utiliser , mais plutôt d’un embout hexagonal !!

Florent Moriceau - Oct 21, 2021


C’est des embouts Torx de taille 6 sur la mienne. Avec un tournevis de precision et une clef pour amorcer le dévissage, ça l’a fait sans trop de difficulté.

Ma version est de 2020, et l’intérieur n’a en fait rien à voir…

Merci d’avoir initié le sujet !

hugues tellier - Oct 25, 2021



Par contre l’électronique est en petite taille, à par la carte mémoire et changer la batterie, aucune réparation n’est possible. Moi je n’ai plus de son que d’un côté dans le casque et rien sur le Haut parleur, je ne peux pas réparer.


pensees695 - Apr 2, 2022


il faut bien un torx n°6 mais certain 6 sont trop petits et tournent dans le vide j’ai finis par trouver le bon dans ma boite tivoly. Après, ma panne était le commutateur d’histoire (gros bouton jaune) qui était dessoudé 6 soudures à refaire plus un peu de colle pour éviter la récidive et tout fonctionne

christian RAUSCH 02/04/2022

fp pic - Aug 28, 2022


j’ai le même problème de la petite pièce à ressouder. Pourriez vous m’indiquer dans quel sens il faut la mettre (le zéro en haut ou le zéro en bas)? et quel matériel utilisez vous pour souder? Merci beaucoup