



Time Required

                          45 minutes            



  • Outer Mesh
  • 3 steps
  • Power Button
  • 2 steps



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What you need

Step 1

              Outer Mesh               
  • Locate the ends of the speaker.
  • Put a plastic opening tool in-between the rubber end and the mesh.
  • Apply a upward force in order to pry open the end.
  • Apply this procedure to the other side as well.
  • Will take force.
  • Using metal tools may permanently mar your device.

Locate the ends of the speaker.

Put a plastic opening tool in-between the rubber end and the mesh.

Apply a upward force in order to pry open the end.

Apply this procedure to the other side as well.

Will take force.

Using metal tools may permanently mar your device.


Step 2

  • Take the Jimmy and pry up the rubber strip that has the volume buttons on it.
  • You will hear clicks as it pries up, don’t worry.
  • Remove all the rubber you pried off.

Take the Jimmy and pry up the rubber strip that has the volume buttons on it.

You will hear clicks as it pries up, don’t worry.

Remove all the rubber you pried off.

Step 3

  • Use tweezers to lift end of plastic retainer on edge of mesh out of its channel.
  • Work the plastic retainer out of the channel all the way around the speaker.
  • Be gentle, it is easy to damage the fabric.
  • Repeat for other side.

Use tweezers to lift end of plastic retainer on edge of mesh out of its channel.

Work the plastic retainer out of the channel all the way around the speaker.

Be gentle, it is easy to damage the fabric.

Repeat for other side.

Step 4

              Power Button               
  • Locate the end of the speaker which contains the power button.
  • The circuit board which contains the power button should be visible.
  • Grasp the outer rim of this end cap and pull in an upward motion.
  • This might require some force.

Locate the end of the speaker which contains the power button.

The circuit board which contains the power button should be visible.

Grasp the outer rim of this end cap and pull in an upward motion.

This might require some force.

Step 5

  • Insert a opening tool between the circuit board and one of the black clips which is holding the board in place.
  • Using the opening tool pry up on the clip allowing the board to be freed. Pry up on the second clip to fully release the board.
  • Using your fingers lift the board out of place.

Insert a opening tool between the circuit board and one of the black clips which is holding the board in place.

Using the opening tool pry up on the clip allowing the board to be freed. Pry up on the second clip to fully release the board.

Using your fingers lift the board out of place.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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                                                                                      One other person completed this guide.                                             


                                      with 2 other contributors 

                    Oscar Ambriz                     

Member since: 09/27/2017

934 Reputation

                                      6 Guides authored                  


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                       Cal Poly, Team S9-G2, Banghart Fall 2017                        

                                                  Member of Cal Poly, Team S9-G2, Banghart Fall 2017 


                                            4 Members                     

                                            11 Guides authored                     

TechBrush - Jan 18, 2019


Will it still be waterproof after repairing?

Justin Doubikin - Nov 11, 2020

that would be a negative unless you really know what you are doing and can waterproof it

tony - May 1, 2022


nice piece. i was able to follow the guide and got it right taking out the board. please where can one purchase the power button board. thanks