On Unix-like operating systems, the xlsfonts command displays a list of fonts available for the X Window System.


xlsfonts lists the fonts that match the given pattern. The wildcard character “” can match any sequence of characters (including none), and “?” to match any single character. If no pattern is given, “” is assumed.

  • Description
  • Syntax
  • Examples
  • Related commands
  • Linux commands help

The “*” and “?” characters must be quoted to prevent them from being expanded by the shell.


xlsfonts [-display host:dpy] [-l] [-ll] [-lll] [-m] [-C] [-1] [-w width] [-n columns] [-u] [-o] [-fn pattern]




Running “xlsfonts -l” can tie up your server for a very long time. This is a bug with single-threaded non-preemptable servers, not with xlsfonts itself.



Lists all fonts available to the default X server and display.

X — Executable of the X Window System.xfd — Display all the characters in an X font.xset — A user preference utility for X.