On Unix-like operating systems, X, typically located at /usr/bin/X, is the original X server executable of MIT’s X Window System.

Typically, you do not need to run X manually.

If what you’d like to do is start a new X Window session, use the startx command instead.

History of X and Xorg

In 2009, due to changes in its license, the codebase of X was forked to a new version called Xorg, and is included on systems at the default location /usr/bin/Xorg.

  • History of X and Xorg
  • Syntax
  • Related commands
  • Linux commands help

The X executable is still included as a compatibility layer for programs which expect it to be there. So, for all intents and purposes, X passes commands to Xorg.


X [:display] [option]


Device-dependent options

startx — Start an X Window System session.Xorg — The executable of the X Window System server.