On the Solaris operating system, the nistbladm command is used to perform NIS+ table administration functions.
The nistbladm command is used to administer NIS+ tables. There are five primary operations that it performs: creating and deleting tables, adding entries to tables, modifying entries within tables, and removing entries from tables.
- Description
- Syntax
- Environment
- Examples
- Related commands
- Linux commands help
Though NIS+ does not place restrictions on the size of tables or entries, the size of data has an impact on the performance and the disk space requirements of the NIS+ server. NIS+ is not designed to store huge pieces of data, such as files; instead, pointers to files should be stored in NIS+.
NIS+ design is optimized to support 10,000 objects with a total size of 10 megabytes. If the requirements exceed the above, it is suggested that the domain hierarchy be created, or the data stored in the tables be pointers to the actual data, instead of the data itself.
When creating tables, a table type, type, and a list of column definitions must be provided.
type is a string that is stored in the table and later used by the service to verify that entries being added to it are of the correct type.
Syntax for column definitions is:
flags is a combination of:
access is specified in the format as defined by the nischmod command.
When manipulating entries, this command takes two forms of entry name. The first uses several space separated colname=value pairs that specify column values in the entry. The second is an NIS+ indexed name, indexedname, of the form:
[ colname=value, … ],tablename
nistbladm -a | -A [-D defaults] colname = value… tablename
nistbladm -a | -A [-D defaults] indexedname
nistbladm -c [-D defaults] [-p path] [-s sep] type colname = [flags] [, access]… tablename
nistbladm -d tablename
nistbladm -e | -E colname = value… indexedname
nistbladm -m colname = value… indexedname
nistbladm -r | -R [colname = value…] tablename
nistbladm -r | -R indexedname
nistbladm -u [-p path] [-s sep] [-t type] [colname = access…] tablename
The following options are supported by nistbladm:
nistbladm makes use of the following environment variables:
nistbladm -m name=robert [name=bob],hobbies
Modify the entry named bob, changing the name to robert.
Related commands
niscat — Display NIS+ tables and objects.nischmod — Change access rights on an NIS+ object.nischown — Change the owner of an NIS+ object on a system running Solaris.nischttl — Change the time to live value of an NIS+ object.nisdefaults — Display NIS+ default values.nismatch — Utilities for searching NIS+ tables.