On Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, chfn modifies a user’s “finger” information. This information is stored in the file /etc/passwd, and includes the user’s real name, work room, work phone number, and home phone number.

This information can be viewed by other users with the finger command.


chfn [-f full_name] [-r room_no] [-w work_ph] [-h home_ph] [-o other] [user]



Running the command without any options enables the user to change all the user information.

  • Syntax
  • Examples
  • Related commands
  • Linux commands help

chsh — Change login shell.usermod — Modify a user’s account.passwd — Change a user’s password.vipw — Safely edit the password file.

If you’re attempting to change the actual username and not just the description of the user, you may want to edit the password file directly; see the vipw command for more information.