Most of the time, the phone will not turn on because the battery is either missing or dead. It is an easy step to replace the battery. Once the battery is replaced turn on the cell phone and it showed start up.

This guide can be helpful in the process:

Repair Guide for Battery

Sometimes the cell phone turns on and functions properly but the screen will not correctly display the functions of the phone. You will need to replace the LCD screen if this is the case.

There maybe a small chance that the problem lies with the logic board of the cell phone. If the other parts of the phone are fine, but the logic board is broken, the phone may have had water damage. If the other solutions on this page don’t help, you may need to replace the logic board.

Repair Guide for Logic Board

Sometimes the keys get stuck. Try moving the keypad around to see if this is the case. If the problem still persists then the best thing to do is replace the keypad.

If the problem is not solved so easily, then the next step is to replace the keypad for an entirely new one. This will solve any functionality errors with the keypad.

This guide may be of some help in the process:

Repair Guide for Keypad

If the problem persists even after completing the steps above then the complication is most likely with the logic board and a replacement logic board is necessary.

Keypads for cell phones either broke off or malfunction due to various factors. This is definitely a problem if one text messages others as well as makes constant phone calls. The best thing to do is to replace the keypad with a new one to help with the functionality of the cell phone.

The only option is to replace the LCD screen in the cell phone.

Try turning the cell phone off and on again. If the problem is not logic board-related then this should work.

If the above does not work then replacing the logic board is the only choice.

Having a crack in the cell phone case can be disturbing to the user. To fix that noticeable distraction, simply replace the case of the cell phone with a new one.

These guides can be helpful in the process:

Repair Guide for Replacing Outer Casing

Repair Guide for Replacing Phone Casing