Here you can find help on troubleshooting and finding common issues with your device

Student-Contributed Wiki

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When launching the camera app, the rear, or front facing camera displays a blank or blurry image.

A blurry picture may appear if the camera is not being held in a steady position. Firmly hold the camera in a strong position while taking the photo. When taking a picture in landscape mode, hold the tablet and on its side with your hand on the right side of the tablet, having your middle finger on the top right of the tablet and your middle finger on the bottom. Hold it still for a second before and after the photo is taken.

Your image might appear clean or at all if something is blocking or smudging the camera lens. Use a clean cloth to wipe the surface of the camera lens and the screen itself. Using the flash when taking a picture can also help to make it appear more clearly. Make sure your finger is not blocking or touching the lens.

If the camera still appears blurry or blank the camera may be damaged or broken. You will need to replace the front facing camera or the rear facing camera which can be instructed in one of our replacement guides.

When the volume keys are pressed, there is no response.

Before testing, make sure you are running an app that produces sound. When you press the volume keys, a little slider labeled “media” should show up on the top of the screen. If the slider does not show up, your volume buttons are broken and you need to replace them. Find out how to replace the volume keys here.

My tablet takes a long time to fully charge or won’t charge at all.

Your tablet might not be the problem in this situation. Your charger might be the cause of slow charging. Plug another device in with the same charger and see if it charges at the same rate. If it still takes too long to charge, then the problem is your charger and the recommended course of action is to buy a new one.

Another problem that could cause slow charging is that your charge port could be blocked or obstructed by a foreign object. To check this, hold up your tablet and look inside the charging port, which should be on the bottom of the tablet. If you see dirt or dust obstructing the port, try blowing lightly inside the port to remove it. Make sure that you don’t blow too much saliva or else the port could be permanently damaged. If its not coming out, you can try to remove it with something such as a toothpick or something else that will not be harmful to the device. Scrape lightly around the port to remove any obstructions. Make sure not to push too far or else you can damage the port.

If your charger works for other devices just not this particular tablet then the problem may be the charging port itself, make sure nothing is obstructing the port before considering replacing the port components. If you do choose to replace it we have a guide showing you how here.

My tablet is making sound but it is too quiet.

Your tablet volume may be too low to hear it correctly. Try pressing the volume up button on the left side of the tablet until you see a “media” bar on the screen that shows you how high the volume is. Sadly, the highest volume sound it not that loud to begin with, so if it is all the way up, you might want to try an external speaker to make it louder.

It could be that your speakers are just broken. If the decrease in volume is severe enough to the point that even with the volume all the way up it is barely audible, you might need to replace the speakers. You can find a guide on replacement here.

My speaker won’t play any sound at all.

It may be that your volume is simply too low. Try pressing the volume up button until it is all the way up. There should be a “media” bar on the screen that shows you how high the volume is. Check with a video or a game to see if the sound does turn on. If you cannot press the buttons at all, try looking at our replacement guide to fix your volume buttons.

If you have tried raising the volume but you can still not hear anything at all, your speakers may be broken. You can see how to replace your speakers here.

My speakers work but it sounds weird.

Unfortunately, the speakers are placed on the back of this tablet, so if you lay it down, the sound will appear muffled. There is nothing you can do about this fact except hold it up vertically with the camera facing you, or place it upside down with the screen facing down. If you need to see the screen, you can also purchase an external speaker to make the sound louder.

If you are holding the tablet correctly with the speakers not against a surface and the noise still sounds distorted or odd, it might be that your speakers are just broken. If you want to learn how to replace them, you can find how here.

The sound isn’t loud or isn’t working when I have my headphones plugged in.

Your tablet might be just fine and your headphones could be the problem. To test this out, plug in your headphones into another device and play something to check. If you still cannot hear anything, then your headphones are broken and you need to use new ones.

If your headphones work just fine, then your audio jack might be broken or has broken components. In this case, you will need to see our replacement guide on fixing or replacing it here.

I press the power button and the tablet won’t turn on.

Your tablet might not turn on because it simply is not charged. First, with a charger you know that works, check to see if your tablet will charge by plugging it into a working outlet. If it does charge, then your tablet only died and is okay.

If you’re not sure if your charger works, check it with another device. If that device does not charge, then your charger might be broken and it you will need to buy a new one. If it does, then your charger works fine and your charging port on the tablet might be have issues.

There are often occasions when your tablet will turn of on its own and not turn back on even when you press the power button repeatedly. This can often happen because your tablet was overworked and turned off to rest. In this case, try holding down the power button for a few seconds to see if the screen will come back on to give you a “tablet options” screen. If it does, tap “power off and restart” until you get to the next screen. From that page, tap “ok” and allow a few seconds for it to restart. If the page freezes, try holding the power button down again until you go through the same process. If the “tablet options” page does not show up, there might not be a need for it and the tablet will restart on its own.

If you think your tablet is on but you just can’t see anything because it is black, your screen could be broken. To see if this is the case, try turning on your tablet and pressing the volume up button to see if you can hear the tab sound. If your tablet makes sounds when you press the volume keys, it is on and the screen is broken. To find out how to replace your screen, try looking at this guide to find out.

If your tablet simply refuses to turn on no matter what you do, your battery might be dead. If the tablet is fully charged, your charger works, your screen works, and you tried a soft reset, you need to replace the battery. Find out how to replace it here.