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6 minutes
- Screen
- 3 steps
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Step 1
Replacing the screen
- In order to begin replacing your screen, you should first power down your device and remove the battery.
In order to begin replacing your screen, you should first power down your device and remove the battery.
Step 2
Unhinging the screen
- Take a very thin plastic/ metal prying tool and gently work your way around the phone. You should hear popping sounds as each lock is opened. Be very careful as you pry open the case as you could damage the LCD/Motherboard.
- Hearing popping is a normal sound. You are not breaking your phone. You are simply popping the seals for the first time.
Take a very thin plastic/ metal prying tool and gently work your way around the phone. You should hear popping sounds as each lock is opened. Be very careful as you pry open the case as you could damage the LCD/Motherboard.
Hearing popping is a normal sound. You are not breaking your phone. You are simply popping the seals for the first time.
Step 3
Putting the New Screen on
- Take your new screen and place it onto the front of the phone. Very gently apply pressure until you here the locks click into place.
- Make sure all of your locking pins line up on your phone or it will not close all the way.
- Be careful when removing the old cover. It could have jagged pieces of glass/ plastic.
Take your new screen and place it onto the front of the phone. Very gently apply pressure until you here the locks click into place.
Make sure all of your locking pins line up on your phone or it will not close all the way.
Be careful when removing the old cover. It could have jagged pieces of glass/ plastic.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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IUPUI, Team 2-2, Wilson Spring 2016
Member of IUPUI, Team 2-2, Wilson Spring 2016
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